moisturiser magic

In the world of skincare, one essential step stands out for its transformative effects—moisturising. At Organic Ministry, we understand the significance of this crucial skincare ritual. Our range of moisturisers goes beyond mere hydration; it's a holistic approach to skincare that caters to various skin types and concerns. Wrinkles, redness, and sensitivity can be addressed with the right moisturiser, making it a must-have in your daily skincare regimen.

Beyond its functional benefits, a good moisturiser contributes to a smoother makeup application and promotes an even skin tone. Organic Ministry offers a diverse range of moisturisers, each uniquely crafted to address specific skin concerns.

Delicate - Sensitive/Stressed/Delicate Skin

Experience instant comfort with our rich Delicate Moisturiser, crafted with skin-nurturing ingredients such as jacaranda flower, calendula, and banksia flower. This formulation, suitable for daily use on all skin types, especially sensitive and inflamed conditions, is naturally scented with ylang-ylang, patchouli, lavender, and jasmine.

Confused - Combination/Dull/Polluted Skin

Loaded with skin-loving ingredients like wheatgrass, mangosteen, and rice protein, the Confused Moisturiser repairs and prevents breakouts. The refreshing fragrances of white grapefruit and rose geranium add an extra layer of delight to this winning combination.

Purify - Oily/Blemished/Problematic Skin

Discover the ultimate solution for oily skin with our lightweight Purify Moisturiser. Formulated with papaya, pineapple, and white willow bark, this potent blend clears dead skin cells, combating congestion and acne. The uplifting scents of lemon, orange, juniper, and bergamot leave you feeling revitalised.

Thirsty - Dry/Dehydrated Skin

Indulge in luxurious hydration with our lightweight Thirsty Moisturiser, enriched with 5% hyaluronic acid. Infused with desert lime and green tea extracts, this formulation restores the skin's natural radiance. The indulgent aroma of rose, blood orange, and ylang-ylang elevates the sensory experience.

Choosing the right moisturiser for your skin type is a crucial step in achieving optimal skincare results. Organic Ministry's range of moisturisers is designed to cater to the diverse needs of your skin, ensuring you not only receive essential hydration but also experience the ultimate in skin pampering. Transform your skincare routine with Organic Ministry and unveil the radiant, healthy complexion you deserve.